Aesthetic and Functional Nose Surgeries

Aesthetıc and Functıonal Nose Surgerıes

    The nose is the most striking structure of the face. In addition to the sense of smell, it has very important functions such as heating, cleaning and humidifying the air we breathe. Surgeries that only correct the external appearance of the nose are called "Rhinoplasty", in addition, if there are intra-nasal strictures that cause nasal obstruction due to bone curvature or flesh growth, these surgeries are called "Septorhinoplasty". The main purpose of this surgery is to clear the nasal congestion and to make the nose look compatible and natural with the other parts of our face. With the help of this surgery, the size of the nose can be reduced or increased, the shape of the nose tip or bridge can be changed, the nostrils can be narrowed or the angle between the nose and the upper lip can be changed, and the bony protrusions on the back of the nose can be corrected. During the same surgery, the curvatures and nasal obstructions that occur outside and inside the nose caused by developmental or impact can be corrected. However, it is generally not possible to achieve a perfect result in aesthetic nose surgeries in terms of correcting the appearance. Since each patient's tissue responds differently to the surgery, no surgeon can give a guarantee about the result. This surgery is not an organ transplant surgery, such as removing the nose of a person whom the patient has taken as an example or likes and attaching to the patient. The successful result that a tailor can get from the dress to be sewn depends on the quality of the fabric given to him, and the success rate we can achieve in aesthetic nose surgeries is directly related to the suitability of the patient's nasal tissues. Although the nose is a single organ, it is a structure with two sides located in the midline of the face. For this reason, the symmetrical appearance of the two sides as a result of the surgery is a situation that makes this surgery difficult to achieve a successful result. If the wound healing efforts are not the same on both sides of the body, the equality achieved by surgery may be disrupted.
    This surgery may increase your self-confidence by changing your physical appearance, but it may not be possible to give you an ideal appearance or cause other people to treat you differently. Before deciding to have surgery, you should consider your expectations very carefully and share this with your doctor. The most suitable candidates for rhinoplasty are those who apply for the purpose of correcting the appearance of the nose, not for a perfect result. This surgery can reshape your nose, but it cannot direct the course of your life. You may be a good candidate if you are physically healthy and psychologically balanced and realistic in your expectations. Our goal in this surgery is to create a natural-looking nose that is compatible with your face by using the existing tissues in your nose. The success of the surgery is the surgeon's knowledge, In addition to the skills and experience of the patient, it depends on the age of the patient, the general health condition, the structure of the nasal skin, the degree of the defect in the nasal appearance, the strength of wound healing in your tissues, smoking, the condition of other structures of the face and some special problems of the patient. Aesthetic nose surgeries can be performed from the age of 16-17 when facial development is completed, there is no upper age limit. In children with excessive nasal congestion, surgery can be applied from the age of 5 years.
As an Ear-Nose-Throat physician, we must improve the nasal respiratory function as well as improve the appearance. However, you must have realistic hopes before you agree to have this surgery. Keeping in mind that the desired result is not perfection and perfection, but correction and improvement, you should clearly explain the issues you are uncomfortable with in terms of the appearance and breathing of your nose. Prof. dr. Orhan ÖZTURAN will try to meet your requests as much as your nose allows. Prof. dr. Orhan ÖZTURAN has been dealing extensively with functional and aesthetic nasal surgery for more than 18 years and has performed rhinoplasty for hundreds of patients for aesthetic and functional purposes. Be sure to ask your questions that are not answered in this article given to you.

Before Surgery:Get the preliminary information you are curious about by talking to the service doctor who deals with you. After your hospitalization to the Ear-Nose-Throat service, the service doctor will write to you the medical materials and medicines required for your surgery. If you have medications, allergies or any other illnesses you are using, be sure to inform your physician. If you have decided to have surgery by reading this information form, please write down the questions on the back page. Then, by taking a photocopy of this informative letter, the original is written by Prof. Give it to Orhan ÖZTURAN and keep the photocopy for reading again later when necessary. Prof. dr. Orhan ÖZTURAN will take your pre-operative photographs with his digital camera or send you to a photographer. Photographs of your nose should be taken before the operation to document the image. In the light of the information obtained from your examination and photos, your surgery will be planned for problems specific to your nose. The cost of printing photos recorded on a blank CD on paper by a photographer will be borne by the patient. This photographing process will be repeated in the 3rd month and 1st year after surgery. Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia with anesthesia) or local anesthesia (numbing with a needle) according to your situation. Whether there is an obstacle to anesthesia and surgery will be examined by the Anesthesiologists in the Anesthesia Polyclinic before the surgery. In the light of the information obtained from your examination and photos, your surgery will be planned for problems specific to your nose. The cost of printing photos recorded on a blank CD on paper by a photographer will be borne by the patient. This photographing process will be repeated in the 3rd month and 1st year after surgery. Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia with anesthesia) or local anesthesia (numbing with a needle) according to your situation. Whether there is an obstacle to anesthesia and surgery will be examined by the Anesthesiologists in the Anesthesia Polyclinic before the surgery. In the light of the information obtained from your examination and photos, your surgery will be planned for problems specific to your nose. The cost of printing photos recorded on a blank CD on paper by a photographer will be borne by the patient. This photographing process will be repeated in the 3rd month and 1st year after surgery. Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia with anesthesia) or local anesthesia (numbing with a needle) depending on your situation. Whether there is an obstacle to anesthesia and surgery will be examined by the Anesthesiologists in the Anesthesia Polyclinic before the surgery. will be repeated over the years. Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia with anesthesia) or local anesthesia (numbing with a needle) according to your situation. Whether there is an obstacle to anesthesia and surgery will be examined by the Anesthesiologists in the Anesthesia Polyclinic before the surgery. will be repeated over the years. Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia with anesthesia) or local anesthesia (numbing with a needle) depending on your situation. Whether there is an obstacle to anesthesia and surgery will be examined by the Anesthesiologists in the Anesthesia Polyclinic before the surgery.
Reasons that increase the success of the surgery: The patient's wounds heal without any problems, the nasal skin is medium thin, the cartilages are strong, the nasal tip is thin, there is no big disproportion between the nose and the face, and the doctor's advice and care after the surgery are well followed.

Reasons that reduce the success of the operation: The patient's poor wound healing, previous nasal surgery, thick and oily nasal skin, weak cartilages, thick nasal tip, severe curvature of the nose, large incompatibilities between the nose and the face, congenital curvature of the patient's face, smoking and not well suited to postoperative care.

    While planning the operation date of female patients, it should be preferred to avoid the operation during this period and in the periods just before the menstrual period when the menstrual period is very painful and uncomfortable, but it is not absolutely necessary. Do not use any medication, smoke or drink alcohol within 15 days before the operation without your doctor's knowledge. Smoking has a negative effect on the success of your surgery. It is of great benefit to cut the hairs in the nose the evening before the operation day. Provide the drugs and materials written by the service doctor and anesthesiologists in full. Since you cannot take a bath for a few days after the operation, you should take a shower at home the day before the operation. Eating and drinking until 10 o'clock in the evening before the operation is free. You should not eat or drink anything on the morning of the surgery.

Operation:If your surgery is only related to the external appearance of the nose (Rhinoplasty), it will take 2-3 hours, and if you have problems in the nose (Septorhinoplasty), it will take 3-4 hours. In the lower part of the nose, the skin between the two nostrils is cut and the nasal skin is separated from the underlying cartilage and bone skeleton. Cartilage and bones are given a suitable shape. A new look is provided to the nose by wrapping the nose skeleton that has been reshaped. In the new form we will give to the nose, we use the cartilages we take from the nose itself and tissue glue in some patients. In some cases where sufficient cartilage cannot be provided, we provide tissue from the ear or rib. There will be no discomfort such as removing a tampon after surgery, as no conventional tampon is placed in your nose during your surgery.

Postoperative:In order to minimize swelling and bruising around the nose, intermittent ice application will be applied to the sides of the nose and around the eyes within the first 10 hours after surgery. If there are stitches in the lower-middle part of your nose, apply antibiotic pomade on them. After the operation, you will be hospitalized for 1 day. On the fifth day, a few stitches will be removed from the lower part of your nose between both nostrils and your discharge procedures will be done. Do not neglect to apply antibiotic pomade here at home. It is normal for a small amount of blood to leak out of your nose for the first 2 weeks; clean it often with a tissue. If this bleeding is not in the form of leakage, but more, inform your doctor. Surgical bruises may occur on the sides of the nose and around the eyes in varying degrees from patient to patient. These bruises disappear completely within 2-3 weeks. During the 2 weeks after the operation, you should sleep in a half-sitting position with a 45 degree angle on the bed. Prevent nasal congestion by frequently drawing water into your nose for 2 months after the operation. Do not blow the water that you take into your nose by force, let it flow spontaneously by leaning over the sink. Until the bandages on your nose are removed, you should avoid hard foods that require chewing, talking unnecessarily, and chewing gum. The inner mold inside your nose and the outer mold on your nose will be removed after 8-15 days. Crusting inside the nose and nasal congestion are natural until the end of 2 months after surgery, do not worry. You should avoid sneezing and difficult coughing and blowing your nose for the first 3 weeks. It is recommended to open your mouth wide when you have to sneeze. When you go home, you can take a bath with warm water, so you can go to the bath and wash your body, then lie down on a sofa and wash your hair without wetting the bandage on the nose with the help of someone else. If you do not have a problem, you will come for the bandage on your nose 8-15 days after the operation. When the bandage is removed and during the first 3 weeks, the appearance of your nose may not be pleasant due to the pressure of the bandage. During this time, wash the skin of the nose several times a day with Dove soap. The swelling that develops decreases significantly from the 3rd week after the operation until the 3rd month. Especially in the mornings, the swelling at the tip of the nose gradually decreases is the natural result of this surgery. Do not expect a sudden change immediately after the operation. With improvement, it may take weeks or months for your nose to get the final appearance. In any case, a period of at least 3 months should pass for your nose to regain its pre-operative shape. After 10 days following the surgery, the patient will be able to return to school or work. It may take a few weeks before you can return to normal life completely. Activities that require excessive strain (running, swimming, bending, sexual intercourse and any activity that increases your blood pressure) should be avoided for 3 weeks. You should avoid wearing glasses for two months and hitting your nose. Apply the nasal massage recommended and described for some patients for 1 minute at every hour. If you are not offered any massage, it is not considered necessary for you, do not worry. Risks such as bleeding, infection and anesthesia complications that can occur in any surgery are also in question in aesthetic nose surgeries. Additionally; an unpleasant appearance, There may be complications such as abnormalities in wound healing, the development of a hole in the nasal curtain, a thin red vein on the back of the nose and nasal congestion. However, these complications are uncommon, and a second operation may be needed to correct them. Irregular wound healing caused by the patient's own body, crooked-crooked noses, thick and oily nasal skin and smoking are the reasons that reduce the success of the surgery. You should have quit smoking 2 weeks before the operation and it is recommended that you do not start at all afterwards. Also, it is often difficult to straighten crooked noses. A curved nose that has been corrected by surgery may be slightly curved with the negative efforts of tissue healing in some patients after surgery. In the months after the surgery, there may be some minor changes due to the fit of the newly made nose, such as a decrease in the shape of your nose and the tip of the nose. Considering these changes that may occur after surgery, an appropriate shape is tried to be given to your nose during surgery. After the surgery, there may be nasal bleeding, adhesions in the nose, and some collapses due to improper wound healing. These undesirable conditions, which may develop in one (10%) of every 10 patients, can be corrected with small or medium-sized surgeries approximately 3-12 months after the operation. There may be some collapses due to adhesions in the nose and improper wound healing. These undesirable conditions, which may develop in one (10%) of every 10 patients, can be corrected by small or medium-sized surgeries, approximately 3-12 months after the operation. There may be some collapses due to adhesions in the nose and improper wound healing. These undesirable conditions, which may develop in one (10%) of every 10 patients, can be corrected by small or medium-sized surgeries, approximately 3-12 months after the operation.

    The purpose of aesthetic nose surgery is to provide a more beautiful and natural looking nose than you have, not a perfect or ideal nose. We can divide the noses into 5 different steps before surgery, from the ugliest to the most beautiful nose. With aesthetic nose surgeries, a nose rises to the next step as a view. It is not possible for an ugly nose to become a beautiful nose, it should be expected that a very bad nose will rise to the highest level with surgery. The amount of improvement that can be achieved in the nose appearance with this surgery will usually be 30 more than the note you will give to the shape of your nose over 100. For example; The appearance grade of a nose that you evaluate as 45 before surgery is expected to be at 75, not 100 after surgery.

    You should have this surgery for yourself, not for the attention and praise of others, or for the purpose of providing a better spouse or job. Do not decide on surgery until you are fully confident in the physician who will perform your operation. This article has been prepared not to scare you, but to inform you about the subject and to make your decision to undergo surgery in a healthy way. Compare the post-operative appearance of your nose with the preoperative photographs of your own nose, not someone else's. Your surgery will only change the shape of your nose. It may not be a solution to your social or personal problems. Our goal is to give you a natural looking nose, not undergoing surgery. Even if you do not have a complaint, once a week in the first month after surgery to monitor the appearance and function of your nose once a month for the next 2 months and every 3 months for the next 9 months Prof.Dr. You should definitely see Orhan ÖZTURAN for your control examination. It will be very useful for you to be able to come to the controls regularly. You can call 0532 548 6236 for any problems.

    I hope you will benefit from this surgery and your next life will be healthy and peaceful.