Nasal Bone Curvature Surgeries

Nasal Bone Curvature Surgerıes

Our valuable patient; This information form has been prepared to help you more. It is recommended that you read and apply the following information for situations that may occur after surgery.

• After the operation, there may be bleeding from your nose in the form of a gradually decreasing leakage for a few days.

• Postoperative smoking and alcohol use are unfavorable as they adversely affect wound healing.

• In your home and in the hospital, you should sleep a little higher than the head of the bed.

• There may be numbness and loss of sensation in the upper lip temporarily, this problem disappears over time.  

• You can take a bath with slightly lukewarm water after the 3rd day following the operation.

• You can eat normal, daily and usual meals 4 hours after the operation. You do not need to have a special diet for this surgery.

• After the operation, you should use the prescribed medications as described.

• If you have high fever, nausea, vomiting and flu-like complaints despite using your medications, go back to the hospital with your doctor.

• After the operation, you will stay in the hospital for 1 night, after 1 week you can return to work.

• In order not to block the tube that allows you to breathe through the nose in the silicone molds attached to the inside of your nose, apply the recommended serums into both noses 3-5 times a day with the help of an injector, that is, wash with serum. If your nose is still blocked, you can apply it again and again.

• You should come for the silicone molds inside the nose about 1 week (5-10 days later) after the operation.

• The molds in the nose will be removed by the doctor who wrote the name in the article called epikriz, which will be given to you after the surgery, and will tell you when you will come again in case of need for control.

• After the removal of the nasal molds, you should prevent crusting and congestion in the nose by drawing plenty of water into your nose every hour and blowing slightly.

• Do not heed the medical advice given to you by your community or friends or other patients.

• We hope you will benefit from this surgery and your future life will be healthy and peaceful.